(830) 221 - 5601
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Pool Service
Let Us Clean So You Can Swim!
Base Cleaning $170
Our base package for getting your pool swim ready and keeping it swim ready. Includes a weekly cleaning, brush, vacuum, net, emptying of baskets, and adding chemicals to balance water. *Chemicals include are based off of normal use. If chemical exceed normal use additional fees may apply.* ​
Filter Cleaning
Filters are important to the function of the pool and equipment. The pool filters should be properly cleaned once a quarter to help with the function and sanitation of the pool.
Premium Package
Our Premium package makes your pool enjoyable and leaves the worry to us. Includes a weekly clean, brush, vacuum, net, emptying of baskets, chlorine, standard chemicals to keep your water balanced, and 3 filter cleaning per year.
*Chemicals include are based off of normal use. If chemical exceed normal use additional fees may apply.*
Deep Clean
Priced after Inspection
Sometimes life gets busy and we forget about about the pool. Whether on vacation or more busy than normal, the pool can get out of balance if left too long. We offer deep cleaning services to get you back on track. Call us for assessment of your pool to find out more.
One Time Start Up
Sometimes you just need a refresh on your pool. Our one time start up is just that it. Includes vacuum, brush, net, normal chemicals, filter clean, and a check over the pool equipment.
Equipment Service
Starting at $99
Our experienced techs can help with equipment repairs, replacements, or maintenance as needed. These services can be quoted to you as needed.